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The Power of Collaboration

As all our partners continue to see beneficiaries presenting multiple issues, the heart of collaboration that VPPP strives to improve is showing real benefits.With the cost-of-living crisis hitting certain communities hard, veterans vulnerable to mental health, addiction and other issues can be particularly effected. Working together is proving even more important to handle these more complex cases.

Case Study 1:

A veteran with alcohol and drug addiction, with mental health issues and PTSD and a family breakdown resulting in the veteran without a home, was recently supported by DMWS. By building a close relationship with the veteran as well as immediate family they were able to pull together resources from The Bridge for Heroes, Operation Fortitude, Operation Courage, the local housing department and arrange counseling for addictions.

Case Study 2:

Caseworkers at SSAFA are noticing that the continued cost-of-living crisis and problems with housing which includes increased rents and landlords selling their properties are often mentioned in initial conversations with clients. These problems are contributing to the poor mental health of veterans, with many having self-diagnosed their mental health issues.

Discussion at the multi-agency meeting brought up the increase in homelessness that doesn’t always present as rough sleeping. This is evidenced by our monthly client figures of those who present with housing issues. These show a general increase from May when compared with earlier this year, with only 1 individual out of 10 in May presenting with street homelessness.

This is combined with debt which is often an issue for which veterans are presenting, in tandem with a need for crisis payments (for food, fuel, etc.). SSAFA are continuing to give these veterans emergency cost of living support, when necessary, while navigating the most appropriate pathways to support them financially and emotionally in the longer-term. For example, staff have developed links with debt advice agencies across the region to ensure that clients are able to address their issues and find a way through, lessening the stress and anxiety that many experience as a result of being in debt. Linking clients to debt advice agencies is also essential as most of the grant providers who we source funds from for individual beneficiary cases won’t help with debt unless a plan is in place. Issues with finances along with fewer housing choices can prove increasingly difficult to finding suitable properties for individuals.

For a full list of the VPPP partners in the East of England region click on the link below: