The Power of Social Activities for Veterans' Mental Health

Winter can pose particular challenges for veterans with mental health issues, exacerbating symptoms and intensifying the difficulties they may already face. Several factors contribute to this seasonal challenge.

The partner organisations in the East of England VPPP region are only too aware of this, and engaging in social activities tailored for veterans during the winter plays a crucial role in the support they provide to mitigate these challenges.

What are the factors that can affect Veterans’ Mental Health during the winter?

  • Reduced Sunlight and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Winter months bring shorter days and reduced exposure to natural sunlight. This lack of sunlight can contribute to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression that is more prevalent during the winter.
  • Increased Isolation and Loneliness: Cold weather and inclement conditions may discourage veterans from participating in outdoor activities, leading to increased social isolation and feelings of loneliness.
  • Holiday Stressors: The Christmas season can bring additional stressors, including financial pressures, family expectations, and reminders of difficult memories. These stressors can contribute to heightened anxiety and depression.
  • Interrupted Routines and Structure: Winter weather may disrupt routines and limit outdoor activities, affecting veterans' sense of structure and stability.
  • Physical and Mental Health Connection: Cold weather may discourage outdoor physical activity, impacting both physical and mental health.

How do the VPPP East of England partners support during the winter months?

Social activities can provide veterans with opportunities to engage in well-lit environments, whether through indoor activities or outdoor events during daylight hours. Exposure to light, coupled with social interactions, can help alleviate symptoms of SAD.

Recently, the Bridge for Heroes activity centre coordinated an outdoor photo shoot for their Photography group, led by a local professional photographer. The dog walking group also came along, providing a fantastic opportunity for the two groups to meet and socialise.


Social activities specifically designed for veterans create a supportive community where they can connect with peers who understand their experiences. Group outings, shared hobbies, and indoor gatherings provide opportunities for social engagement, reducing the risk of isolation.

Case Study: The Veterans Community Network support a 92-year-old Veteran of the Royal Engineers, living alone since his wife passed away and restricted with mobility issues. The veteran peer mentor supports the veteran by providing transport to events including the monthly Veterans Breakfast and coffee mornings. A simple intervention giving this veteran a lifeline to the outside world.

The Company of Makers – provides online workshops, talks, and podcasts for veterans. Teaching new skills, building confidence, and sharing experiences. Valuable during the winter months for those unable to get outside.

Social activities during the holidays can offer a distraction and a supportive environment. Participating in group celebrations or volunteering for community events can help veterans focus on positive experiences, build camaraderie, and navigate the holiday season with a sense of purpose.

Combat 2 Coffee – Veteran’s Christmas Lunch

Combat 2 Coffee Veterans Christmas Lunch

Case Study: Step Together provide a one-to-one support through coaching, and volunteering placements in the community. One veteran they support now volunteers regularly, a huge step forward after previously experiencing social isolation.

Social activities provide a structured framework and routine. Whether through regular support group meetings, fitness classes, or scheduled events, veterans can maintain a sense of order and purpose during the winter months.

The Bridge for Heroes’ Nelson Activity Centre carries out a wide range of indoor activities every month – from arts and crafts to bicycle maintenance, knitting and the recently introduced Tai Chi classes.

Combat 2 Coffee holds regular Veteran’s breakfasts, including hosting 50 veterans recently at Ipswich Town Football Club.

Social activities often involve physical components, such as group exercises, sports, or wellness programs. These activities contribute to maintaining physical health while simultaneously providing a social support system.

Veteran’s Community Network recently organised a tour of Naseby Battlefield site with 16 veteran’s and their families attending, including veterans from other areas of the East of England.

Veterans Community

Engaging in social activities tailored for veterans offers a holistic approach to addressing the challenges faced by our veteran community. These activities provide a supportive community, combat isolation, offer distraction during the holiday season, maintain routines, and promote both physical and mental well-being. By participating in social activities, veterans can navigate the winter months with a sense of purpose, connection, and resilience.